

No matter how you look at it a tree remains a tree. Or as here the plural, trees. This image was created by multiple exposures in the camera. For the 2nd shot the camera was 90° rotated compared to the first shot. For both shots, I moved the camera slightly.

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Abstract, Europe, Seasons, Moment of the Year, Netherlands, leaf, leaves, trees, ice, light, continents, winter


It has been freezing the past few days. After all the rain in recent weeks, we now have beautiful frosty days. Along with that, a lovely sunshine. It is a joy to be outside and to enjoy the hoar frost that makes everything white. My eye was struck by the abstract shapes that showed up

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Winter Day

Winter Day

In The Netherlands it should be winter, but it is raining cats and dogs. I made this multi-exposure ICM in the pouring rain, but those who love it can also see a lovely snowy landscape in it. The next few days will be colder, some snow perhaps?

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Autumn leaf

Enjoying autumn

Fall, with its coloring leaves, mushrooms and fog, is a wonderful season to be outdoors as a photographer. The days are getting shorter, the sun is lower and the colors are getting warmer. It’s time to put on a coat again, but with a little sunshine, it’s often wonderfully pleasant. And when you get outside

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On the shortlist

ICM Photography Magazine organizes each quarterly of the year a challenge for Instagram and Facebook. So too for this year’s September issue. Out of over 718 entries on Instagram, I was shortlisted. I am pleased with this recognition given the beautiful abstract image that makes Elle Colquitt the winner of this quarter’s challenge. But also

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Music inspired by art

When different art disciplines come together, they reinforce each other. September 25, 2022, composer and pianist Margin Alexander, among others, was inspired by my work in a captivating musical images exhibition “Imagine the Sounds” in New York. I thoroughly enjoyed his performance. The timbres of the music Margin played to my image “The Light in

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Imagine the Sounds

I feel very honored to participate in Margin Alexander‘s musical sculpture exhibition “Imagine the Sounds” in New York on September 25. Margin Alexander is a Composer & Pianist open to a wide repertoire of music. In this concert, he draws inspiration from image. One of the images will be mine. I am curious to hear

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